Friday, July 25, 2008

The Master's Seminar and Joel Comm

In a previous post, I talked about Joel Comm at the seminar and how I got involved with helping with an interview with him. The following evening, Joel was still around for the saturday bash in which three of the featured speakers, who had a birthday in July, were surprised with birthday cakes. Well, we all got to eat the cakes, but still, it was a nice gesture from Ross and the staff to do that.

During that evening, I got to chat some more with Joel. He is very proud of his new iPhone and already has tons of applications installed on it. Being the gamer that he is, he enjoys the gyrospcopic feature of the iPhone which makes the ball of a pinball game roll in various directions, depending upon how one tilts the iPhone. Joel recommends to anyone to get an iPhone because he just loves this gizmo -- and not just for the games but as a working tool as well :-)

Joel is a very down to earth guy, very approachable. I had the same feeling with Willie Crawford whom I met sunday afternoon after the end of the event. But that's for my nextpost ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.