Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Took out blogrush
I put Blogrush on two of my blogs. On one of them it worked for a few weeks but on this one, it never installed properly.
Never got a reply to the customer service email I sent. Then, the widget that was working fine for several weeks disappeared. I checked my Blogrush account and found a message saying that I did not display the widget. Hey, I never touched the code! I think the problem lies with Blogrush.
I have now taken out the code on my blogs and am waiting for Blogrush to go through their growing pains.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Brunson team won out
Anyways, over the past few months, I have received several phone calls from aggressive marketers.
Most of them offering coaching programs. The team Vitale and the Brunson team were particularly aggressive.
I guess the Brunson team called me at a better time than the Vitale team :-)
Anyways, I should have a money making website within the next couple of weeks.
This week is crucial as I finish off several jobs from my current business to put my time working on this new venture.
That entails giving up most of my current income and digging into my savings for at least the next two months. This is the only way I know how to put enough pressure on me to perform.
Hopefully, after two months, money will start trickling in and the bleeding will stop.
First goal is to earn an equivalent income from my new venture to what I have recently earned from my current business.
To have a general idea of what niche my new venture will be about, check this blog :-)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
More spending
And I have yet to start my first adword campaign.
As previously noted, Internet marketers are very aggressive and I have been busy buying countless products and listening to hundreds of hours of recordings, teleseminars, webinars and live seminars. I also have bought several books and ebooks and software and courses -- all to show me how to make money online. I am now 10K poorer and am so busy with all that teaching material that I have trouble finding the time to actually set up something on the net.
I have been at "the almost there" stage for the past two months now but there always seem to be apiece missing, a bit of information that I still need. In between all of that, I have, more than ever, the need to make money with my current business so that I can afford all of those expenses.
Ah well it appears that this is just the beginning since succesful online marketers routinely spend 100,000 dollars per year in tuition, training, seminars etc . . .
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Why are E marketers so aggresive?
Just as I was about to get my act together with writing articles to drive traffic, Gauher Chaudry offers me the possibility of buying his spanking new adword brokering course at 200$ off. Can't miss such an opportunity now, can I?
After that, Joel Comm tells me that if I don't want my Google Adword account to be canceled for fraudulent clicks, I better get his adword detective software so that malevolent programmers from the Eastern Europe can't hack my ads, or something to that effect. I mean they can still hack it but at least I can prove that they did it and that I am innocent and please Google, reinstate my account.
The question in the title was a real question, I don't offer any specific explanations as to why they are aggressive.
What's with that E marketing ?
Also, I was afraid that Steve Job would sue me since he believes he owns everything that starts with the letter "I". :-)
About those "Adventures in the Emarketing trade", well, it is a rip off of the title of a popular book, at least in screenwriters circles, written by William Goldman, famous for having written such classics as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Princess Bride, and other classics.
I don't think William will sue me ;-)
Monday, May 7, 2007
Return from the "System" seminar
Being at events such as these always pumps you up. You get an adrenaline rush by meeting all those successful people, meeting new people who are at the same level as you are, etc...
During the event, we all are in some sort of fantasy land where everything is possible and everyday chores disappear. Of course, getting back to reality is something else and I have to constantly remind myself of the promise I had made to Lloyd and force myself to implement Tim G's strategy.
Reality is that I have a business and just setting up the outsourcing which will allow me to free up more time for my emarketing strategies takes up more time now than doing the work myself. One has to teach to those who will do the outsourcing.
Going to the seminar put me behind in some of the jobs I had to do, a couple of people I work with left on vacation so I handle some of their duties. Despite all of this, I have made some inroads and I am still on track for writing my first article by May 15th. Writing may not include publishing which would be on the 16th I guess. It will be tight but I will manage.
Writing an article involves including a link pointing back to some landing page which is either an adsense page or a direct sale page, or both. I will concentrate on making it a basic adsense page for starters and then worry about upsell and cross sell.
In the meantime, I have to narrow in on the article topic. My subjects of interest are scuba diving, travel, photography, health, body building. Health is kind of saturated so I will have to narrow down on that one and go for the long tail, same with travel. There are plenty of topics to chose from but are they monetizable. Particle physics is great but where's the money?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Day 2 at the "System" seminar
Sunday at the seminar was better because I had time to settle in and understand the procedure. The sessions were, for my needs, better than yesterday. Because of the networking I had done saturday evening and having eavesdropped on a number of conversations with the featured speakers, I was able to finalize my choice of sessions. From my pre selection before the show to those that I eventually attended, there was an 80% change I would say. I didn't expect to go to Tim Gorman's presentation, or Lloyd Irvin's or even Perry Marshall's but that's what I did.
Tim Gorman is a military man with 18 months left before he retires with all the benefits of a US army pension, whatever that is, I'm sure that it's better than the WalMart pension plan ;-).
Like all good military man, he answered every question with a “yes sir”, “yes mam”. And his slideshow was slick, precise, thorough, and with a 30 day game plan. The only thing missing were the march songs and military mnemonic devices. Tim has written over 1,200 articles with only 1-3 hours a day to spare. He writes after his 14 hour/day military duty, takes care of household/family business, then bangs out articles between 22:00 hour and 01:00 hour (that's 10PM to 1 AM for the non-militarily inclined). He now makes more money part time online than at his full time military job.
I will implement the TimG plan to the Tee. YES, SIR, YES!! :-)
Lloyd Irvin is from a different background. He's into martial arts, has trained world champion jiu jitsu athletes. He has the discipline of sports and his presentation included video clips from Rocky 2 (speed, speed, speed) and a film that I have yet to identify, some sort of football/coming of age movie about a character named “Brock”.
Lloyd was a student of “The System” in 2003, now makes in excess of $7M/year, and is now starting out on the lecture circuit. His presentation was highly dynamic and athletic. Capt. TimG was even sitting-in in the back. In fact, quite a few of the speakers sat-in on this one.
So, I will work the TimG plan within the Lloyd structure :-) Of course, since the Lloyd structure follows the structure of “The System”, that should be easy but I need to think SPEED, ACTION, NOW!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Day 1 sessions at "The System" seminar

"The “system"seminar is quite an amazing place to be. I remember something that Ken McCarthy, the founder, said about the seminar and what the people think about the event. “There's more happening with all the in-between sessions networking than in the sessions themselves.”
The first day was kind of a let-down sessions wise but the stuff that I learned that evening, just talking with various people, including some of the speakers who pretty much delivered the gist of their lecture to a small group of eager listeners was “worth the price of admission” as they say.
Then there's Adrienne DaVita, from California, a regular attendee, who is so passionate about Internet marketing that she had a group of people watching her as she demonstrated the amount of money she makes with Google Adwords. She answered everybody's questions and all said that she should be giving a lecture next year.
Friday, April 27, 2007
first entry
This blog details what I learn about ecommerce and internet marketing. I will try to show it the way it is, warts and all.
My first big immersion is the "System" seminar in Chicago. I have yet to make money in internet marketing so I will be able to find out if what they say is true, that you make your investment back many times over when attending that seminar.